



Opportunities Ontario – international Masters Graduate安省硕士毕业生

  • 未来有意向在安省居住并工作。 Intend to live and work in Ontario.
  • 毕业于现有的安省合格的公立硕士项目。 Have graduated from an existing Masters program at an eligible publicly funded university in Ontario.
  • 完成至少一年全日制学习。 Have completed a minimum of one academic year degree program, while studying on a full-time basis.
  • 拿到硕士学位后两年内提交申请,或者尚未拿到学位,但已经满足了所有的毕业要求。 Apply within two years of the date on which their Masters degree was granted, or in the alternative, has fulfilled all the requirement to get the degree.
  • 现居安省。 Currently be residing in Ontario.
  • 在加拿大拥有合法身份(例如,持有学签,工签,临时居民签证)。难民申请人和寻求庇护者没有资格申请此项目。 Have legal status in Canada (i.e. study permit, work permit, temporary resident visa). Refugee claimants and asylum seekers are not eligible for the program.
  • 提供官方语言证明(需要CLB7)。 Demonstrate high official language proficiency (CLB7).
  • 提供能够保障自己和家属生活的最低资金证明。 Demonstrate a minimum level of savings/income to support themselves and their dependants.
  • 提供在过去两年内至少在安省住满一年的证明。 Demonstrate at least one year of residence in Ontario in the past two years.
  • 在安省不再继续求学(例如,申请博士或者申请其他专业的学位/文凭)。如果求学是为了满足安省工作申请必要条件,申请人可以继续求学。




Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program-Post-Graduate Worker Category  高等教育毕业生类别

  • 在申请中明确表明自己能够并且倾向于永久居住在阿尔伯塔省。
  • Clearly show in the application that you are able to and intend to live permanently in Alberta.
  • 在阿尔伯塔省有全职工作,在申请时是为阿尔伯塔省雇主工作。
  • Be working full-time in Alberta, at the time of application, for an Alberta employer.
  • 阿尔伯塔省雇主定义是,在省政府或联邦议会的立法框架下设立或合资的公司,并且公司必须在阿尔伯塔省拥有工厂或固定运营场所。
  • An Alberta employer is defined as, being incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.
  • 请注意,如果在申请过程中,无论是对于雇主还是员工直接或间接产生了劳资纠纷,AINP将不会被批准。
  • Please note, the AINP will not approve an application if there is a labour dispute in progress that may involve, directly or indirectly, either the employer or the candidate.
  • 从经AINP批准的阿尔伯塔公立和私立高等教育学校获得证书,文凭,学位,或研究生水平项目。
  • Have obtained a certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program from one of these AINP approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institutions.
  • 在阿尔伯塔省完成的学习项目时间至少达一年(相当于两个学期的全日制学习)。
  • The program of study in Alberta must have been at least one year (i.e. minimum of two semesters of full-time study, or equivalent) in duration.
  • 持有加拿大移民局颁发的合法毕业后工作签证。
  • Have a current and valid Post-Graduation Work Permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
  • 从事下列全国职业代码(NOC)中的类别工作:
  • Be working in one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels:
  • NOC 0类 管理工作
  • NOC 0: Management occupations
  • NOC A类 通常需要大学文凭
  • NOC A: Occupations that usually require university education
  • NOC B类 通常需要学院文凭
  • NOC B: Occupations that usually require college education
  • NOC C类 需要特定的技能训练或是高中教育
  • NOC C: Occupations that usually require specific training and/or secondary education.
  • (某些职业将不具有申请资格,请参考列表)



Manitoba Working Graduates 毕业生工作类别

  • 曼尼托巴鼓励国际学生毕业之后留在曼省 International students encouraged to stay after graduating in Manitoba
  • 正在工作的毕业生有资格通过MPNP申请曼省移民,此项政策仅仅适用于曼省高等学校毕业生。 Working Graduate is one means to establish the Connection to Manitoba required to be eligible to apply to immigrate to Manitoba through the MPNP. This category applies only to graduates of Manitoba post-secondary schools.
  • 在毕业后,如果在曼省持有工签,至少连续工作六个月,且雇主会提供永久工作,则将优先得到曼尼托巴省提名项目处理。 If after graduation you have been working in Manitoba continuously for at least six months with a valid work permit and your employer offers you a permanent job, you are eligible to apply to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program with priority processing.
  • 条件: Conditions:
  • 参加了在曼尼托巴省授权教育或培训的公立学校,和注册了的私立职业或大专学校。 You attended an authorized education or training program at a public, or registered private vocational, post-secondary institution in Manitoba.
  • 学习项目为全日制且至少持续一个学年。 Your program was full-time and at least one academic year in duration.
  • 成功完成学业,并被授予被授予文凭、学位或证书。 You successfully completed your program and were awarded a diploma, degree or certificate.
  • 为提供永久全职工作的雇主至少连续工作六个月。 You have been continuously working for at least six month for the employer who has offered you a permanent full-time job.
  • 持有加拿大联邦移民局颁发的合法毕业工签。 You have a valid post-graduation work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
  • 你和曼省的联系相比加拿大其他省更紧密。 Your connection to Manitoba is stronger than ties you may have to another Canadian province.
  • 在递交的安置计划书里要表明居住的意向和计划,包括工作,在曼省之后作为永久居民得家庭生活。 You can demonstrate in a Settlement Plan your intention and plan to live, work and establish your work and family life in Manitoba as a permanent resident.
  • 资格达标且英语或法语熟练达到能够完成工作任务的标准。 You have all qualifications and the English or French language proficiency to fulfill the duties of your job.
  • 也就是说如果你的工作类别属于NOC C或D类,则必须达到加拿大政府规定的最低语言标准。 ** If your job is lower skilled (National Occupation Classification [NOC] C or D) you must meet the Government of Canada minimum language requirement.



魁北克经验类移民(PEQ) – 毕业生类别


  • 在递交申请时,你必须:At the time of submitting your application, you must:
  • 至少年满18岁,打算在魁北克定居及工作;be at least 18 years old and intend to settle in Québec to hold a job;
  • 作为外国留学生的居留是合法的;have conformed to the conditions on your stay as a foreign student;
  • 已持一个有资格申请PEQ的魁北克文凭或者在你递交申请之日起六个月内即将完成你的学业;hold a Québec diploma eligible for the PEQ or expect to complete your study program within six months of the date on which you submit your application;
  • 拥有法语的中高级水平;have advanced intermediate knowledge of French;
  • 确保提交足够的资金以满足你获取永久居民身份至少3个月的生活所需,在适用的情况下,也包括满足你申请中已包含的配偶或事实上的配偶,以及受抚养的子女。undertake to provide for your needs and, where applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application, for a minimum period of three months from the date you obtain your permanent resident status.
  • 以下情况你将没有资格申请PEQ:You are not eligible for the PEQ:
  • 如果你是持有奖学金并受法律约定需要返回原籍国的学生(交换生),除非你已经完成项目不再受到限制;或者if you hold a bursary with a clause stipulating a return to your country, unless you have already fulfilled this condition; or
  • 已在魁北克开始了一个新的学习项目。if you have started a new study program in Québec.
  • 在你递交CSQ申请和完成学业中间时间已经过去36个月。if more than 36 months have elapsed between the time you completed your study program in Québec and the date on which you submitted your application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec.

Types of diploma eligible for the PEQ

  • 有资格申请PEQ的魁北克文凭包括:Québec diplomas eligible under the PEQ are:
  • 持有一个学士学位(大学本科生);a Bachelor’s degree (university undergraduate);
  • 持有一个硕士学位(包括MBA);a Master’s degree (and an MBA);
  • 持有一个博士学位;a doctorate;
  • 持有一个学院技术类培训文凭;a Diplôme d’études collégiales techniques (DEC – diploma of college studies, technical training);
  • 持有一个至少1800学时的职业培训文凭(英语:DVS,法语:DEP);a Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) lasting 1,800 hours of study;
  • 获得职业培训文凭(英语:DVS,法语:DEP)后紧接着读一个职业培训证书(英语:AVS,法语:ASP),加起来达到1800个学时。a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) followed by an ASP attesting a minimum of 1,800 hours of formation.
  • 这些文凭必须是在以下情况下取得的:To be eligible, these diplomas must have been obtained:
  • 在递交CSQ前的36个月内获得;during the 36 months preceding submission of the application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec;
  • 出自受魁北克教育文娱体育部认可的一所魁北克大学或者一所教育机构;from a Québec university or an educational institution recognized by the Ministère de l’éducation, du Loisir et du Sport or by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Rechercher, de la Science et de la Technologie;
  • 参加的是位于魁北克省的一所教育机构的一个全日制学习项目。following a full-time study program in a Québec institution located in Québec.
  • 如果你的魁北克文凭属于以下情况,则没有资格申请PEQ:Your Québec diploma is not eligible for the PEQ:
  • 如果有50%的课程经证明是在魁北克省境外进行的,则没有资格申请PEQ。if it attests to a study program that was done more than 50% outside Québec.

Language requirements of the PEQ

  • 你必须具备法语中高级水平才有资格申请PEQ。中高级水平相当于法语等级考试的level7水平,欧洲语言通用参照架构的B2水平。You must demonstrate that you have an advanced intermediate knowledge of French by way of a standardized test in order to be eligible for the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ). The advanced intermediate level corresponds to Level 7 of the échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or to its equivalent, level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
  • 如果你能提供下面认可的证件则不用提供标准化测试证明:You will be exempt from presenting an attestation of a standardized test if you provide one of the following documents:
  • 拥有一份完整的成绩单可以证明在全法语授课的学校,无论是魁北克还是国外的学校,完成至少三年的高中和高等教育;a complete academic transcript attesting to the successful completion of at least three years of secondary or post-secondary study in French pursued full time in Québec or abroad;
  • 完整的成绩单证明成功完成中高级法语学习(至少达到欧洲语言通用参照架构的B2水平,并且测试水平受魁北克教育文娱体育部,或魁北克学院或大学认可。an academic transcript attesting to the successful completion of an advanced intermediate level French course (at least level 7 of the échelle québécoise or level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference) in an educational institution recognized by the Ministère de l’éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie or in a university located in Québec;
  • 提供由魁北克任何一所专业教育机构出具的语言达标证明;an attestation of having met the language requirements of a professional order in Québec.
  • 如果你在魁北克以全法语的方式完成了学业,并且可以出具学历认证和成绩单证明,则满足要求。If you did your study program entirely in French in Québec and submit the diploma and academic transcripts to prove this, you automatically satisfy this requirement.
  • 如果你希望提交标准测试成绩取得法语口语认证,必须确保口语理解和口语表达都得到了测试。If you wish to submit a standardized test to obtain formal recognition of your knowledge level in oral French, make sure that oral comprehension and oral production are evaluated.
  • 测试结果必须不晚于申请的两年前。The results must have been issued less than two years prior to the date the application was submitted.
  • 以下测试是被魁省移民部认可的:The following standardized tests are recognized by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles:
  • the Test d’évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ) of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris (CCIP);the Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCFQ) of the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP);the Test d’évaluation du français (TEF) of the CCIP;the Test de connaissance du français (TCF) of the CIEP;the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) of the CIEP;the Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF) of the CIEP.

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